
We resume iLearn testing this month. Students will complete Checkpoint #2. Please make sure your student has breakfast and is well rested on these dates. The results of these checkpoints serve as indicators of student knowledge and help guide our instruction.

Grades  and Test Dates for iLearn Checkpoint #2:

GRADE 7 -Math A+ Jan 13 during R2

GRADE 7 - ELA Jan 23 and 24 during ELA class time

GRADE 8 - ELA Jan 23 during B2

Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences take place tomorrow, January 9th, from 3:00pm-7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you and discussing goals for your student for second semester!

Final Exam Make-Up Dates for Those Who Are Ill

We hope everyone finishes the semester healthy, however, there are A LOT of illnesses going around right now. If your child is unable to attend this week due to illness, please refer to the following exam makeup schedule to plan for them to complete missed exams.

Exam Makeup Schedule:

Friday 12/27/24:  9:00-12 noon

Friday 1/3/25:  9:00- 12 noon

Students should report to room 201 - Students need to have their exam cards, pencil and calculator or other allowed materials.


End of Semester News You Can Use!

I hope this finds everyone doing well. As the semester draws to a close and the absolute BUSYNESS of the season takes over, here are important pieces of information that will help you and your student finish strong....and stay organized.

-Final exam study tables begin this week. Buses will leave at 4:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (12/9, 12/10, and 12 /12). Buses leave at 2:15 this Wednesday, December 11th.

-Buses will leave at 4:00pm on 12/16 as well.

-On 12/17-12/19 buses will leave at 12:30 and a LIGHT lunch will be served.

-On 12/20 buses will leave at 11:15 and no lunch will be served.

-The study tables calendar has been shared with your students and via email. I will attach it again below.

-The after school room will be available during finals week during regular hours EXCEPT ON DECEMBER 20TH. Students should be picked up by 11:15am on this day. Additionally, if possible, consider working out arrangements that allow your student to be picked up prior to 5:00pm during finals week. We conclude study tables around 12:30 and that leaves a lot of time for idleness. We understand if it is simply not possible, but wanted you to fully understand the schedule.

-All late work for junior high is due by the end of the school day on Wednesday, December 11th. Students were made aware of this a week ago. Please review PowerSchool and make sure your child is current in their work. We like students to know where they stand academically prior to taking their final exams.

-Our CR Christmas concert is this Thursday, December 12th @ 7:00pm in the gym.

-We are here for any end of year questions or concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

-School resumes on Monday, January 6th and it will be a BLACK DAY.

JH Study Tables

Final Exam Schedule With Bus and Lunch Information


On behalf of our entire Junior High team we want to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. We pray for peace, traveling mercies, and joy in the moment. God bless.

JH Annual Christmas Party!

Our annual JH Christmas party will take place Friday, December 6th, from 6-8pm. Students should be dropped off and picked up at our regular drop off and pick up doors in back.

Your child has also received an invite with additional details. This is a wonderful event and a great way to usher in the Christmas season!

Hispanic Heritage Night

Reminder that tonight is our annual Hispanic Heritage night!

Come join your Cardinal Ritter family for good food and a great time!

The festivities begin at 6pm. Hope to see you there!

ILEARN Checkpoint One 10/24-11/08


8th Grade:  R3; ELA and Math PRACTICE

7th Grade:  R4; ELA and Math PRACTICE


8th Grade:  B3; Math

7th Grade:  R3; ELA

8th Grade:  R2; ELA


7th Grade:  B3; ELA

8th Grade:  B2; ELA


7th Grade: B1; Math

*Students with accommodations will be pulled to ensure their accommodations are met.

Junior High Movie Night!

Junior high students, come out October 25th for a night of fun on our football field! We will begin at 6pm with concessions and games, and the movie will begin at sunset. Your parents should pick you up at 9pm.

The cost is $5.00/student. All proceeds go towards reducing the costs for our 8th grade trip to St. Louis.

Email Mrs. Gardner with any questions you may have.

CYO Boys Basketball Sign-Up Information

-Registration opens on Monday, October 14th for boys that want to play basketball this winter for Cardinal Ritter Junior High School.

-There will be two teams.

-The Black team will be a competitive team designed for players that have aspirations to eventually play high school varsity basketball. The Red team will be recreational for players that love the game of basketball but want a fun, relaxed environment. Two parent volunteers are needed to coach this team.

-The league runs from 11/23/2024 to 2/23/2025.

-Practices will be 2 to 3 times per week at Cardinal Ritter High School. Most games and practices will be on Sundays.

-The registration fee is $75 per player to cover the CYO team entry. Reversible jerseys are provided by Cardinal Ritter High School and must be returned after each game. All players should have plain black Nike shorts to wear for games. An order will be placed for any player interested in getting Cardinal Ritter Basketball Shorts but that order MUST be in by November 1st, so payment and sizes are needed by then.

-A physical form for the current year must be submitted before the season starts if you have not completed one yet.

-Fees should be made payable by check, money order, or cash. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Cardinal Ritter High School and put in an envelope with your son's name and grade on the outside designating that it's for CYO basketball. You can drop off at the school's main office and tell them to put in Coach Williams' mail slot. Any questions can be directed to Coach Williams at 317-924-4333 ext. 531 or emailed to him at

-Here is the link to register at the CYO website.

8th Grade Retreat and Fun in Learning

Last week our 8th graders participated in their annual retreat. This year's theme was Peace, Justice and Virtue. Students were challenged to identify and approach the world's problems through a Catholic lens. It was a day full of spiritual growth and pee bonding!

Soaking up the last days of summer!

Proud To Be Raiders!

Slider is playing

Progress Reports and Grandparents Day:

It was wonderful to have so many grandparents join us for Mass and Grandparents Day. Events like these are what make Cardinal Ritter a truly special school community.

Progress reports will begin being mailed home tomorrow, September 13th. Things to consider:

A progress report is just that- a report on your child's progress thus far. These are not permanent grades.

The report should be used to reaffirm your student is on the right track, or to identify areas that need improvement.

Tutoring hours for every subject area are available to every student at Cardinal Ritter. PowerSchool is the best tool to use for up to date information on your student's grades. If you need help accessing PowerSchool please contact Carrie Hutt at

Please reach out to Mrs. Gardner if you have any questions or concerns.


Welcome back junior high!

Slider is playing